About 995 photos are uploaded to Instagram every second.
Post relevant content. For example, if you have an Instagram account dedicated to real estate, keep your content real estate focused.
Diversify the type of content you share. Utilize new Instagram updates/features. (e.g., reels and story highlights)
Elevate your Instagram stories by adding animated stickers (view tutorial) or interactive polls and quizzes.
Try to only post clear, high-resolution images – posting blurry pictures can negatively affect engagement.
Use hashtags that are relevant to what you're posting. For example, if you're listing a high-end home try using #luxuryrealestate. For more ideas view our Hashtag Suggestions.
Consider changing your Instagram profile to a business profile, doing this will give you greater insight into engagement and post-performance.
Timing is everything! Try to upload your social content during peak engagement days/hours.

57% of people like seeing polls and quizzes from brands on Instagram
Post to your feed on a consistent basis. Best practice is to post once a day, every day. If that schedule is too frequent for you, strive to post at least once a week.
Try not to post more than once a day. While it is great to post consistently, you do not want to spam followers.